Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Update : Take Charge

No, I have not failed completely. I've just rerouted my course...
I've postponed my cleanse. After speaking with my husband, we can not financially afford to pocket out $85 for me to (maybe) make it through the 10 day Master Cleanse. Times are tough, indeed. So, thanks to Selina Naturally™, I'll be starting the ReNew Life's CleanseSMART™, Advanced Herbal Cleanse & Total Body DetoxNatural Herbal Bowel Cleanse, Liver Detox.

Here's the low down:

CleanseSMART™ is a total-body advanced herbal cleanse that provides concentrated herbal extracts and a more potent herbal bowel cleanse than gentle First Cleanse. The functions of CleanseSMART are to help stimulate 2-3 healthy bowel movements per day and to help cleanse your body.

CleanseSMART™, the ORIGINAL Advanced Total Body and Colon Cleanse, combines 23 natural ingredients to support the body’s natural detoxification processes.
The morning formula is a 15-herb natural organ detoxification formula and provides 7 herbs to help detoxify the liver. The evening formula contains 8 natural ingredients that help cleanse the colon. CleanseSMART is an easy-to-take body cleansing system - just 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening.

So, I'll start this tomorrow. At least I know I have confidence in making it through this cleanse.

The Master Cleanse can wait till late summer/early fall...when lemons aren't scarce and 4/$1.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Take Charge

Hi! I'm Robin Ansley. I'm not a writer. This is my blog about my adventures here on Earth.

I'm a wife, artist and dreamer. I'm currently employed at Selina Naturally™ Home of the Celtic Sea Salt® Brand. I am a wholesale account representative. I enjoy my job tremendously and have incredible coworkers who are supportive and loving.
Today begins my quest for healthy living. Along with 3 of my coworkers, I'm prepping for the Master Cleanse (the lemonade diet) a 10 day cleanse. Wednesday February 24, 2010 is the start date, concluding on March 5th.

Most people have heard of the Master Cleanse (Beyonce looked incredible in Dream Girls thanks to the cleanse) From its inception in the 1940's by nutritionist Stanley Burroughs it has been gaining popularity as a great way to detox your body. While it was originally designed to help treat ulcers and digestive issues, it actually was a hit with those who wanted to lose the weight and detoxify their bodies. Between toxin over-exposure, lack of exercise and poor diet choices our bodies can not function at full capacity. This means that they are unable to cope with all the stress this puts on them. The cleansing process helps by removing the toxins and giving relief to our organs from the stress of toxins. This usually results in an increased metabolism, and a reduction in weight and health problems. Peter Glickman's book on the Master Cleanse, titled "Lose Weight, Have More Energy, Be Happier in 10 Days" is a great resource and guide. I recommend everyone read this book before the being the cleanse. Check out his website: http://www.therawfoodsite.com/

The Master Cleanse recipe consist of the following:
2 tbsp of fresh squeezed lemon/lime juice
2 tbsp of grade B organic maple syrup
1/10 tsp of cayenne pepper
8 fl. oz of spring or purified water. Do not use fluoridated water.

drinking 8 glasses of the master mix through out the day when you are hungry.

And upon waking drink a quart of water with 1 teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt. Luckily, I work for the Celtic Sea Salt brand... the salt in which Glickman recommends. But chugging down this will not be easy or pleasant. So I'll need 1-2 hours at home (close to the restroom) before I can go about my day. Can I just add that this means I will be rising from my slumber at 5:00am to ensure proper cleansing!
A little tidbit about my current state of living:
I eat whatever I want and when I want. My diet consist of pizza and red wine. Pizza is my favorite food, I honestly think I could eat it every day! pepperoni, green peppers, feta...omg. get in my belly! Ok, I sound ridiculous..and I'm over exaggerating a bit. I'm not saying that I don't eat leafy greens and wholesome meals... I mean, I work with mainly raw foodies and vegans, who cook and share delicious items with me daily. So I do vary from my favorite treats... But if I had it my way, I'd eat pizza, skittles and drink wine all day. But I can't. I'd be a sluggish drunk...and I'd have no friends. I have noticed that my body is clearly unhealthy. I lack hydration and nutrients. I don't take my vitamins and I ache all over, all the time. So it is time I make a change. Thus my quest begins!
Lets all say a little prayer for me as I embark on this journey.

In order to make it through my 10 day fast, I have to prep my body. Stanley Burroughs says to start 2-3 in advance. Day one consisting of fruits and veggies, making sure that I drink my required amount of water (which should be 1/2 your weight in ounces).

Today's Pre Cleanse Intake:
1 large Grapefruit
6oz Vanilla yogurt (prep diet fail)
small chopped salad with grilled chicken (which I'm not suppose to eat meat today. I blew it already! Fail!)
60oz water.

*It is only 3:30pm so I imagine I will eat something else today...and have my final glass (or two) of wine. Because tomorrow is strictly fresh juice and water.* bahh! I'm already failing.
I'll continue to post about my Mater Cleanse journey for the next 13 days. I'll weigh myself Wednesday morning and take before photos...which I won't share until the end of this slightly insane process.

If Beyonce can do it, I can do it.